For Colleges and Community Organizations
Compliance Training (High School & College …can be individualized)
The Partner Project’s® educational and training programs for faculty, administrators, staff and Public Safety and Campus Police personnel include compliance with numerous governmental regulations. Programs include:
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Statistics Act
Violence Against Women’s Act
Campus SaVE Act
Title IX
Response to incidents involving sexual assault on campuses and school grounds
Best practices on addressing victims
First responder responsibilities
Confidentiality and prioritization of the investigative location(s)
Strategy development for working with local law enforcement agencie
Program Description:
According to Centers for Disease and Control and the Department of Justice1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men will be a victim of some form of relationship, domestic, dating violence or sexual assault. The Partner Project has developed unique, interactive presentations that address these societal issues. Presentations are available in 40 minute, 90 minute, 4 hour and 8 hour formats. Some of the topics covered include the anatomy of relationships, cycles of abuse, identifiable red flags, and power of consent. Also addressed are the topics of healthy boundaries, healthy communication, self-empowerment, and healthy masculinity.
Note: The presentations are designed to foster discussion and interaction within the safety of the classroom. Each presentation is facilitated by a male & female which role model respectful and healthy relationship(s).