Local Resources for Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence & Relationship Violence
Allen Women’s Resource Center
24/7 - 718-739-6200 (Shelter only)
Domestic violence survivors and their minor children
Catholic Charities Rockaway Mental Health Services
Victims of sexual assault of all ages. Both primary &
secondary victims are served.
Center Against Domestic Violence
718-439-4612 / Hotline: 718-439-1000 (24/7)
Survivors of domestic violence
Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Hotline: 516-465-4700
Counseling for Spanish Speaking Individuals
Hotline: 631-360-3606 / 631-360-3730
Domestic violence and sexual assault victims
Elmhurst Hospital Crisis Center
Hotline: 1-800-621-4673
Immediate crisis counseling to all victims of domestic
Hotline: 718-922-7980 (www.helpusa.org)
Female victims of domestic violence
The Safe Center Long Island (Formerly the Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Child Abuse)
516-542-0404 / www.tscli.org
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Domestic violence victims
NYC Family Justice Center
718-575-4500 / www.nyc.gov/domesticviolence
Victims of domestic violence
Queens Hospital Crisis Center
718-883-4205 (24/7)
Victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and relationship violence
Retreat, Inc.
Hotline: 631-329-2200 / 631-329-4398
Domestic violence victims
Safe Horizon
1-800-621-HOPE/National Phone
#1-800-799-7233 / www.safehorizon.org
Domestic violence and sexual assault victims
Safe Space
Far Rockaway
718-471-6818 / Jamaica 718-526-2400 / Richmond Hill 718-847-1500
Women and children of domestic violence
Social Work Counseling Services
Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, relationship violence
Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Hotline: 631-666-8833/ www.sccadv.org
Domestic violence victims
Urban Resource Institute
Shelter only (212) 491-0023
Women victims of domestic violence
Women Helping Women
Victims of domestic violence
Women in Need Center (Shelter only)
Hotline: 800-539-5007 / 718-539-6546
Domestic violence victims
Suffolk County Coalition Against
Domestic Violence at their 24 hour hotline
631 666 8833 http://www.sccadv.org/
National Coalition Against Domestic
Violence at their 24 hour hotline 800-799 safe(7233) http://www.ncadv.org/
The Partner Project partnerproject1@gmail.com
RAINN's National Sexual Assault Hotlines: 1-800.656.HOPE and https://ohl.rainn.org/online/ Love is Respect at www.loveisrespect.org or their live chat line at 1 866 331 9474